
The Gold Color

The color of gold is wild, bold and rich. A few are obsessed with the affluence of this shade while a few others keep the color strictly ‘Off Borders’ from their closet. Coupled with a whiff of poise and confidence, donning this shade can become your ultimate style statement. Accessorizing in gold sounds any fun to you? Check out the liveliness of gold, adding a volume of chutzpah to your character!

Clutch-ing Gold

The Golden Clutch

The Golden Clutch

The boldest of all statements, a golden bag or a clutch is the most desirable part of your closet. Get the right one, swinging to the degree of bling you plan to carry out to the next spree!

The Golden Shoe

Image Courtesy: Pixoto

Image Courtesy: Pixoto

The myth of gold has forever been framed alongside the big fat Indian wedding, or a page 3 party night out. Nah, the bold-Indian statement has golden shoes in the form of Juttis, Stilettos, Kolhapuris and loads more to keep it tuned with your sophisticated persona. Teaming up light–hued gilded shoes to stone-engraved Sandals, the street is yours!

Princess of Jewels

Nath (Image Courtesy: kaprayshapray)

Nath (Image Courtesy: kaprayshapray)

Whether you are a simpleton or the ultimate goddess of Indian Fashionable trends, you are bound to fall for these Naths or the nose rings melting out in this color. Uncomplicate the mantra of standing out of the crowd by adding this hue to your wardrobe!

Categories:   Ethnic Alley, Street Accessories